

Gabriele Montefalcone Awarded Summer Graduate Fellowship

Physics graduate student Gabriele Montefalcone received the 2023 Weinberg Institute/TCCAP Graduate Fellowship.

A young man in a white t-shirt is shown in a graphic circle


What the huge young galaxies seen by JWST tell us about the universe

Not enough time had elapsed to have brought together that amount of matter and turned it into this many stars. At the time, Mike Boylan-Kolchin...

Images of six galaxies, seen 500-800 million years after the big bang, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope: NASA, ESA, CSA, I. Labbe, G. Brammer

LIGO Caltech

LIGO Ready to Explore Secrets of the Universe

The fourth observing run of the global gravitational wave network begins. UT Austin hosts a large LIGO group: Professors Chen, Laguna, Shoemaker, and Zimmerman


Discover Magazine

JWST Images Challenge Galaxy Formation Theories

Mike Boylan-Kolchin, an astronomer from the University of Texas at Austin, says that scientists now think we're seeing galaxies from as early as 13.48 billion...



James Webb Space Telescope Images Challenge Theories of How Universe Evolved

Hefty young galaxies defy the reigning model of cosmology, called "dark energy + cold dark matter" or ΛCDM.

Six candidate galaxies

National Geographic

The most ancient galaxies in the universe are coming into view

The James Webb Space Telescope is discovering distant clusters of stars that formed surprisingly early—presenting new mysteries about how the universe evolved.

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists have peered back into the primordial universe and discovered galaxies that existed when the universe was only 300 to 400 million years old.


Cosmic Dawn III Recreates the Early Universe Epoch of Reionization in Unprecedented Detail

Scientists create the most detailed and accurate simulation ever produced of the first billion years of the universe.

Hot spots appear prominent on a mass of lines that interconnect as in a network


Theoretical Astroparticle and Cosmology Symposium Held

The inaugural TACOS event was organized by The University of Texas at Austin's Kimberly Boddy & held at Southern Methodist University.

A cosmic scene showing stars and dense clouds of gas in galaxies

Scientific American

JWST’s First Glimpses of Early Galaxies Could Break Cosmology

Michael Boylan-Kolchin says, “Even if you took everything that was available to form stars and snapped your fingers instantaneously, you still wouldn't be able to...

Galaxies from the depths of cosmic time appear in a small crop from “deep field” observations taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The most distant objects in such images may reveal surprising new details about the early universe. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA and STScI


Webb telescope reveals unpredicted bounty of bright galaxies in early universe

Michael Boylan-Kolchin of UT Austin describes surprising galaxies detected with the James Webb Space Telescope.

The James Webb Space Telescope captured this galaxy at a record distance.SOPHIE JEWELL/CLARA POLLOCK