News: Announcements
Gravity Research Foundation
Fischler Wins Gravity Research Foundation Essay Award
Willy Fischler won the 2024 GRF Essay Award for "Holographic Inflation, Primordial Black Holes and Early Structure Formation."

LIGO, VIRGO and KAGRA Observing Run Plans
The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaborations (LVK) prepare to resume their fourth observing run, including UT's Chen, Shoemaker and Zimmerman.
Excavation of Colossal Caverns for Neutrino Experiment Completed
The caverns in Lead, South Dakota, will house the gigantic particle detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

Gabriele Montefalcone Awarded Summer Graduate Fellowship
Physics graduate student Gabriele Montefalcone received the 2023 Weinberg Institute/TCCAP Graduate Fellowship.

Theoretical Astroparticle and Cosmology Symposium Held
The inaugural TACOS event was organized by The University of Texas at Austin's Kimberly Boddy & held at Southern Methodist University.

Faculty Members Named to Professorships and Endowed Chairs
Several College of Natural Sciences faculty members have been newly appointed to special professorships and endowed chairs at The University of Texas at Austin.

UT News
Three UT Austin Faculty Elected to National Academy of Sciences
Astrophysicist Katherine Freese, astronomer John Kormendy and evolutionary biologist Mark Kirkpatrick of The University of Texas at Austin have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.