Programs & Offerings

A Powerhouse for Research

At The University of Texas at Austin’s Weinberg Institute, research, teaching and training encompass the main areas of Steven Weinberg’s scientific contributions: high-energy physics, cosmology, particle astrophysics and gravitational physics. Members of the Weinberg Institute answer questions at the frontier of physics and foster innovation across an array of disciplines.

Advancing Understanding

UT Austin already is among the top centers of excellence in research aimed at advancing our understanding of the cosmos by combining the predictive power of theoretical research with observational data and cutting-edge computation. These efforts are transforming humanity’s understanding of the origin and nature of the Universe.

Interdisciplinary Focus

The Weinberg Institute provides an ecosystem to tackle questions at the intersections of astrophysics, cosmology, gravitational physics and high-energy physics.

Researchers from across the University work together, including faculty members, researcher scientists and students from the Departments of Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics and Data Sciences; within the Oden Institute; and at Texas Advanced Computing Center.

Weinberg Institute Activities

Our programs and activities:

  • foster a unique cross-disciplinary environment for cohorts of students and postdoctoral scientists,
  • create synergy among UT’s departments and centers, and
  • communicate to the public and K-12 students the excitement of understanding the cosmos in which we live. 

All efforts are supported with generous philanthropic and institutional support.

Examples of Programs & Opportunities

  • A periodically offered Weinberg International Conference to promote and highlight breakthroughs in research areas championed by the centers within the Weinberg Institute;  

  • Fellowships to help recruit and retain talented graduate students and postdoctoral scholars;

  • A vibrant visitor program to ensure that UT-Austin continues to be an intellectual hub and destination for eminent physicists;

  • Guest lectures by Nobel laureates and a seminar series with a unique range of topics that push beyond the frontier of physics today.