News: Features


QnAs with Katherine Freese

Katherine Freese is interviewed for PNAS by Paul Gabrielsen about dark matter and dark energy.

Photo by Marcia Rosengard


2024 Weinberg Memorial Lecture

Dr. James Peebles, winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics, joins the Weinberg Institute at UT Austin's Physics Department to present "The Expanding Universe...

2024 Weinberg Memorial Lecture


Postcards from the Field: First Light for a New High-Desert Telescope

Scientists at the Simons Observatory in Chile, including Katie Freese and Nick Galitzki, probe the cosmic microwave background for clues about the history of the...

A telescope enclosure sits in front of two mountains under a blue sky

Fox 7

Total Eclipse of the Horns

UT Austin's Julian Munoz, assistant professor of astronomy, talked about the total eclipse with a local TV station.

Professor Muñoz on Fox 7

2024 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate

Did the James Webb Space Telescope Change Astrophysics? | 2024 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate

Join Neil deGrasse Tyson,  the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium, and a panel of leading scientists, including Prof. Mike Boylan-Kolchin, for a...


UT News

What Can A Total Solar Eclipse Teach Us About Our Universe?

The total solar eclipse on April 8 will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness a truly awesome cosmological marvel. You don’t need...

An image of a total solar eclipse


Ultramassive galaxy discovery provides new look at early universe

Julian Muñoz, of the UT Department of Astronomy, recently published a paper that attempts to understand early galaxies.


UT News

Discovery of Unexpected Ultramassive Galaxies May Not Rewrite Cosmology, But Still Leaves Questions

“The development of objects in the universe is hierarchical. You start small and get bigger and bigger,” said Julian Muñoz at The University of Texas...

Infrared view of the universe captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA and STScI.


Capturing the ripples of spacetime: LISA gets go-ahead

The European Space Agency officially adopts the LISA mission. Members of the CGP have leadership role in the LISA Consortium, including Professors Chen, Shoemaker, and...



Graduate Student Profile: Snehal Tibrewal

Snehal Tibrewal is a graduate student researcher in the Weinberg Institute and Department of Physics at The University of Texas at Austin.

"Nexus Point S2 E1" appears next to an image of a young woman smiling in short sleeves and glasses underneath a live oak tree on the UT campus