Capturing the ripples of spacetime: LISA gets go-ahead

January 25, 2024 • by ESA Media Relations

The European Space Agency officially adopts the LISA mission. Members of the CGP have leadership role in the LISA Consortium, including Professors Chen, Shoemaker, and Zimmerman.

With this milestone, construction of the trio of LISA satellites can begin. This space-based mission will allow for the detection of gravitational waves from new sources from across cosmic history, as well as open a new eye onto stellar remnants in our own Milky Way Galaxy. The mission is slated for launch in 2035. Researchers at the Center for Gravitational Physics carry out research to lay the groundwork for LISA's success, and have roles in the LISA Consortium which provides a community of researchers who support this exciting mission. 


Photo by Marcia Rosengard


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2024 Weinberg Memorial Lecture